Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Bad repaint - Why detail & protect your original paint.

Not a detailing record here. This is a special post that aims to educate people about the horror of having your car resprayed and why you should protect your original paint the best you can. Sadly, this story happened to my own car.

This car had its boot sent for repainting just last year. It looked great upon completion except for the surface finishing that is not so clear and sharp - typical of many freshly repainted surface. This boot was recently given a detail with the aim of giving it a mirror finish, but disappointingly... Let the pictures talk.

Look at the lack of clarity and definition. This is before detail.

On some parts, the paint was successfully transformed from this...

To this

But take a look at these other parts...

A 50/50 shot of before and after. 2 passes of M105 on Lake country purple foamed wool and one pass of M205 on Lake country polishing pad. The gloss and clarity is slightly restored. But look at the sanding marks. Those fine line scratches.

From a distance.

Close up.


On other parts, look at the surface unevenness.

A close up.

Regardless of how many times the paint is cut, it seems like there is no way to get the paint even and to remove those sanding marks. The reason for this is that the clear coat is sprayed over the colour coat before the sanding marks are completely removed and the paint is leveled. Locking all defects under the clear coat.

This is what most repainted surface will look like. Commercially driven, workers are not well trained, time and cost savings are prioritised. This is not the case for all paint shops as some are really good. But one must go to a shop that one really knows and trusts. Paying a little higher for a good job is often better.

The best is still to protect and maintain one's original paint for as long as possible. One way is to get your car detailed and coated for long lasting protection. Pinnacle Reflections offers a range of detailing and coating services.

As for this paint shop who belongs to a friend, this is not my first car that has been ruined. A previous car that was sent had the paint cracked and peeling after 6 months. I use to recommend this shop to other friends as I use to trust what they do. From now on, don't expect any recommendation from me.

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